As part of our just transition focus Footsteps is part of the Build Back Better movement that aims are for a new deal “that protects public services, tackles inequality in our communities, provides secure well-paid jobs and creates a shockproof economy which can fight the climate crisis”.
Footsteps: Just Transition

Birmingham’s Just Transition: Report
Report for Birmingham Route to Zero Taskforce’s Communications and Engagement Sub-group Footsteps’ representative on the Birmingham Route to Zero Taskforce, Chris Martin submitted a report to the Birmingham Route to Zero Taskforce’s Communications and Engagement Sub-group exploring what a ‘just transition’ to a net zero carbon city involved in practice. The report included contributions from […]

Just Transition – Funding the Solutions
Following Footsteps’ 2020 Earth Day gathering, this workshop provided an opportunity to hear contributions from a number of experts and to learn from each other about funding Birmingham’s just transition to net zero carbon. The workshop was also to provide the Birmingham City Council Taskforce with a view from a community perspective. Some 18 people, […]

Just Transition – Communities
Following Footsteps’ 2020 Earth Day gathering, this workshop explored ‘just transition’ from a community perspective. ‘Just transition’ lies at the heart of Birmingham’s June 2019 climate emergency declaration for the City to become “net zero carbon by 2030 or as soon after as a just transition permits – making sure we take communities with us, […]