
Tread Lightly 2017

Footsteps provides spaces where people can share faith perspectives on the environment and take ideas back into their own communities and places of worship. 

Footsteps also provides an interfaith perspective at community events by partnering with climate action groups, environmental groups and places of worship.  Regular partners include Friends of the Earth, Climate Action Network West Midlands, Faiths for Fun, JaiJagat 2020, Sustrans and the Bahu Trust.

Footsteps: Community

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Faith walk to the Lickey Hills

A recent walk to the Lickey Hills brought our faith communities together and helped friendships blossom in nature, after the riots. In the wake of tense scenes across the UK, Footsteps held our annual interfaith walk in the Lickey Hills on Sunday 18th August. Around fifty walkers – Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Jewish and humanist – […]

summer action gathering

FoE Summer Action Gathering

Footsteps – which is also Friends of the Earth (FoE) local action group – was at the West Midlands FoE Summer Action Gathering recently, where local Friends of Earth groups and action groups across the West Midlands came together for a social and to hear what each group has been working on. John explained how […]

Birmingham faith groups launch community-led climate action project

A new collaboration between Muslim Bahu Trust, Birmingham Council of Faiths’ Footsteps and climate solutions charity Ashden, will receive £200,000 over three years from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation to build the capacity of Birmingham faith groups to engage in community led climate action in disadvantaged areas of the city, and to share the learning widely. […]