Footsteps Faiths for a Low Carbon Future

Footsteps brings together faith groups in Birmingham, to respond to the challenge of moving to a low carbon future.

What is Footsteps?

Many faith communities are taking their own actions to help the environment; by coming together we can take footsteps side-by-side towards our common goal.  The main way Footsteps does this is by organising interfaith and multi-faith events to explore our responses to the high carbon present, and take action towards a low carbon future.

Footsteps (Faiths for a Low Carbon Future) is a project of Birmingham Council of Faiths reg. charity no. 1015006

How Can I Get Involved?

Check our events listing, to see the Footsteps events.  These are open to people of all faiths and no particular faith in Birmingham, who are concerned about the challenge of moving to a low carbon future, and how we can work together to achieve this.

Faith Community Climate Action Footsteps is supporting community eco-action and energy saving in Birmingham

Birmingham Faith Climate Action

Our Eco-Action Projects will build the capacity of faith groups to lead, advocate for and engage in, community-led climate action in Birmingham.

Saving Energy

Helping Birmingham’s faith communities move to a low carbon future in practical and locally based ways are important areas of Footsteps’ ongoing work.

Faith Community Map

The BCF Footsteps Birmingham Faith Community map contains information about Birmingham’s 800+ places of worship and faith-based organisations.

Footsteps Themes Footsteps works on six key themes, plus annual focus themes

Faith & Values

The world’s major faith traditions share values that underpin their action on climate change.


Footsteps provides spaces where people can share faith perspectives on the environment and take ideas back into their own communities and places of worship.

Earth Care

Many faith traditions share the belief that we have a collective responsibility to care for the earth and its people.


Footsteps provides encouragement to those directly involved at place of worship, faith community and city level.

Climate Emergency

Across the world, leaders of both faith communities and cities recognise that we face a crisis and are speaking out.

Young People

Footsteps endeavours to involve young people in its work and activities, not least because young people will be the generation most affected by, but which has done least to cause, climate change.

Upcoming Events Footsteps organises events to bring people of different faiths together,
to work for a low carbon future: all are welcome.


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