Footsteps: Earth Care

‘Protecting Mother Earth’ International Women’s Day
A seminar was held to mark International Women’s Day on the theme of ‘Protecting Mother Earth’ at the Nishkam Centre, Soho Rd on Sunday March 8th. There were speakers from Sikh, Muslim and Hindu faiths and Footsteps’ chair Ruth Tetlow spoke on behalf of the Christian faith. The afternoon concluded with the planting of a […]

Tread Lightly 2018 – exploring food, faith & living sustainably
For our third Tread Lightly conference, Footsteps joined with the Guru Nanak Gurdwara and Living the Change to spend Sunday afternoon 18 November in Smethwick (just over the Birmingham city boundary). The theme was Exploring Food, Faith and Living Sustainably. Speakers from faith groups and projects shared their initiatives and insights. Discussion and networking opportunities […]

Interfaith Nature Walk along Birmingham Canal
Earlier in the summer, people of different faiths came together for a nature walk along Birmingham’s canals. The event was organised jointly by Footsteps (Faiths for a Low Carbon Future) and Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust. Led by Jake Williams, Community Engagement Officer at Birmingham & Black County Wildlife Trust, we learned about the […]