Footsteps brings together faith groups in Birmingham, to respond to challenge of moving to a low carbon future: all are welcome to join us and get involved.
Sign up with Footsteps
for news and events, or to join our energy champions network
Contact us for support
Twitter: @FootstepsBCF
Are you a Birmingham church, mosque, temple, synagogue, gurdwara or other place of worship that cares about climate change? Would you like to raise awareness of its causes and effects in your faith?
Footsteps can help you with this by offering resources, speakers, events and other support and contacts.
We also need your help to arrange appealing events for people of all ages and faiths – can you help us by providing a channel of communication and telling us what works well?
We would love to hear from you from you about what you are doing and how Footsteps might be able to help.
Join In with your own local community
Many faith communities are taking their own actions to help the environment.
The faith community members of the Footsteps steering group may be able to help:
You can visit the Faith for the Climate website for resources to engage, equip and inspire faith communities for action on climate change.
Donate to Footsteps
Register for upcoming events
Inter Faith Week 2024
10/11/2024 – 17/11/2024 @ Timings TBC – Inter Faith Week 2024 will take place from Sunday 10 – Sunday 17 November, with events being coordinated by Birmingham Council of Faiths, and begin with a launch on Friday 8th. The full programme is available on the BCF website: Interfaith Week 2024 Programme On Saturday 9th November, Footsteps will be holding Together for Nature. […]
Together for Nature
09/11/2024 @ 10:30 am – 3:30 pm – All are welcome to this multi-faith festival for local eco-action. This will be a family-friendly day of activities and inspiration for the environment, with: fun activities and face-painting, fellowship and food (pay what you feel), speakers, including Liam Byrne MP, workshops with ideas for action. We’ll learn from each other and launch our new initiative […]
Summer Faith Walk 2024
18/08/2024 @ 2:30 pm – All are welcome to join our annual interfaith walk. This is an opportunity to connect with nature, appreciate a variety of trees and woodland settings and spot wildlife in one of Birmingham’s most varied and treasured parks. Many thanks to Barnt Green Quakers, for hosting us and proving a gathering point. The meeting house will […]