Faith groups in Birmingham are invited to join the Rise to the Moment relay from the G7 in Cornwall to COP26 in Glasgow.
This November, world leaders are meeting in Glasgow for important climate negotiations (called COP26 – the 26th Conference of the Parties to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit). On Friday 11th June, a group will begin walking from the G7 summit of wealthy nations being hosted in Cornwall, in a relay arriving at Glasgow in time for COP26. They want to send a message that it’s time to make decisions which protect people not bank balances, and to decide that no country will go into debt tackling climate change.
Join the Relay to COP26 as it passes through Birmingham: Foosteps are helping to organise events in Birmingham when the relay stops there between 24th and 26th August. Local faith communities and individuals are very welcome to get involved in these city-centre events, or host something local: contact for more information.
If you are interested in joining part of the walk itself register via YCCN.
The relay has been initiated by Young Christian Climate Network, but they are keen to emphasise that it is open to people of all ages and all faiths:
“Inspired by the long Christian tradition of pilgrimage and the history of Christian activism, we’re coordinating this as a group of young Christians seeking to mobilise the UK church as a whole in climate justice. We hope that those in every church, regardless of age,would feel inspired to get involved as we take a stand against climate change. Although as a planning team we’re not interfaith, interfaith participation along the Relay is welcomed”
Young Christian Climate Network
There is also a Camino being organised by Extinction Rebellion Faith Bridge, walking from London to Glasgow, which will pass through Birmingham in September. We hope that these walks can be complimentary: we’re all working towards the same goals.