Flash cards used in Walsall Anglican Church

Footsteps’ John Nightingale led a mid-week Lent service on the environment attended by around 35 congregation members.  It began traditionally with an opening prayer, hymn, and a Bible reading from Leviticus about letting the land go fallow and having a Year of Jubilee.  

Each member of the congregation was given a pack of nine specially selected Footsteps’ energy saving flash cards in a special envelope linked to the Arocha Eco Church scheme.  John then took the congregation through the energy saving cards one at a time encouraging people to think about the steps they could take to save energy in their own lives and situations.  

John said afterwards ‘the cards were well received and seemed to reach people where the were’.  Several people spoke to John afterwards about different cards and he felt very encouraged.

Image: Brianboru100, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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