All are welcome to Footsteps’ annual interfaith conference, sharing how faiths and their teachings provide hope, inspiration, and motivation to act in the light of the climate and biodiversity crisis we are facing. We will also explore how Footsteps is incorporating faith teachings into our activities, and share future plans.
This is an in-person event with an emphasis on table discussions between participants, and a panel discussion with our speakers. Unfortunately we are not able to offer a remote option to join, but will share a comprehensive illustrated report on our website after the event.
There is no need to register, just let us have your details when you arrive.
6.30 Doors Open for light refreshments.
7.00 Speakers and discussion, including:
- Islam and the Environment – Dr Zoheir Ali Esmail, Al-Mahdi Institute
- Sikh and Hindu wisdom on the ‘illusion of separation’ from nature – Sonia Bhamra, photographic artist.
- Incorporating ‘care for the Earth’ into Christian sermons – Rev John Nightingale.
- Table discussions and networking
- Panel discussions and questions (Dr Zoheir, Sonia Bhamra, John Nightingale)
- Faith in Action – Footsteps’ plans and activities
- Closing reading from the Buddhist tradition
9.00 Close
Sustainable travel to Al-Mahdi
- Bus: X21 (from priory Queensway in town) stops close to the institute on Weoley Park Rd.
- Cycle: follow the Bristol Rd cycle route, turn off at Weoley Park Rd, just south of Selly Oak high street.
Photo: Save Our Forests, by Sonia Bhamra, from the series ‘The Illusion of Separation’. Used by permission of the artist.
‘The greatest Illusion in this world is the illusion of separation and is ultimately the cause of the negative human impact we continue to have on our planet. In this series I am researching ancient wisdom from Sikh and Hindu theology to address these contemporary issues, such as the way we live, consume and act. The Goddess Maya means illusion, that which is temporary and is the one who blinds everything in illusion, but at the same time, she’s the one who shows the truth. She’s the source of all illusions, stating that we view life through a series of distorting veils that prevent us from seeing “actual reality”.’ – Sonia Bhamra