A gentle 2-3 mile walk around Soho Loop canal and the Centre of the Earth nature reserve, and finishing with tea and cake.
Organised jointly by Footsteps and Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust.
A circular route starting and ending at the Centre of the Earth, 42 Norman Street, Winson Green, B18 7EP.
The route will take in the Soho Loop of the canal, and tour of the Centre grounds (pictured) ending with tea and cake.
Total distance 2 – 3 miles on the level, all ages and abilities welcome.
Led by Jake Williams, Community Engagement Officer at Birmingham & Black County Wildlife Trust. As in previous years, we look forward to learning about the relationship local faith groups have with nature, and about the work of community environmental organisations. The walk will also be an opportunity to recconect with our environment, reminding ourselves why we take action together to protect it.
Access to the Centre of the Earth:
- cycle or walk 1 mile along the mainline canal from Brindley Place and turn right into Soho Loop at signpost,
- buses 82, 87 or 88 to City Hospital on Dudley Rd and walk along Aberdeen St, Lansdown St and Carlisle St.