Reducing our Footprint

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Waste comes in many different forms – food, paper, electrical, metal – it can all be reduced, reused or recycled.  

These activities enable young people to learn how their home or community can manage waste better.    They examine the impact of waste on the environment and explores actions to minimise the amount of waste that we produce and dispose of on a daily basis.

The activities enable positive action to be taken to ‘ Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle’


photo of plastic bottles

Reduce our Waste!

(Ecobirmingham) A workshop exploring the importance of waste reduction and resource-saving.

green tree

Plant a tree!

(Forest Schools) Follow on from For the Love of Trees. Practical session learning how to plant a tree and how to care for it!

Next Steps

If you are interested in hosting one or more of these activities, please get in touch to discuss further:

Other activities may be available by discussion with Footsteps and the activity providers.