People of faith across Britain are planning to join others in April as part of this mass gathering to demand climate justice. Several members of Footsteps plan to be there and supporters are welcome to join.
The gathering is organised by Extinction Rebellion who plan to bring as many groups across the UK as possible to unite and show the UK government that there are hundreds and thousands of people who want decisive change. The action is about demonstrating the number of people who are seriously concerned about the ecological and climate crisis. It is not about causing a disruption to raise awareness, but showing the world ‘look how many people are concerned.’
Faith for the Climate, Christian Climate Action, Quakers in Britain and XR Buddhists are all planning to offer faith-based witness during the four days, and other faith groups may do as well. We are sorry that the dates unfortunately clash with the likely beginning of Eid on 21st or 22nd April.
XR Birmingham are running online Q&As each Friday to help people find out more about the vision of The Big One and the logistics, at national level and in Birmingham, for making it effective. Coach places can be booked from Birmingham to London for the Friday and Saturday at £20 each (or £10 unwaged).
There is also more information about The Big One on the national XR website.