People of faith from across Birmingham gathered at Birmingham Central Mosque last Sunday to Show the Love & share some tea!
Ali Yousef provided a warm welcome from Birmingham Central Mosque, and Chris Martin from Footsteps was our MC for the afternoon.
Rebecca Hawkins from the Climate Coalition introduced us to #ShowTheLove – the national campaign that this event was part of. We watched a new video (below) aimed at inspiring us to take the difficult action needed to combat climate change.
Mauricio Silva from Columbans spoke movingly about Laudato Si, the papal encyclical addressed to the world calling, on us to hear ‘the cry of nature and the cry of the poor’. The connection between working for a low carbon future and for social justice stood out as an important message for faith communities everywhere. You can read the full text of Laudato Si for free online.
Kamran Shezad from BAHU Trust highlighted the importance of faith leaders in raising awareness and motivating action for sustainability amongst faith communities. He reminded us that as people of faith who are passionate about the environment we are all potential faith leaders – not just those in formal positions.
In between the speakers there was much discussion on what we care about, what we want to protect from climate change and what can we do together. Participants got creative making green hearts to show support for the #ShowTheLove campaign, and writing postcards to MPs. All the while sharing tea and cake that people had made.
Claire Bowman from Central England Quakers concluded the afternoon by sharing some readings from different faith traditions on our responsibilities as stewards and members of creation. An inspiring end to a thought-provoking afternoon!